MOONS’ Step Servo EtherCAT Drive
The SS-EC is a member of the Step-Servo family equipped with a built-in EtherCAT communication interface. This drive can operate as a standard EtherCAT slave using CANopen over EtherCAT (CoE). It is designed to work with various MOONS’ Step servo motors.
- Programmable, digital step-servo drive and motor package
- Operates from a 24 to 70 volt DC power supply
- CANopen over EtherCAT (CoE) with full support of CiA402. Based on the widely used 100BASE-TX cabling system and with a baud rate of 100Mbps full duplex, EtherCAT enables high speed and highly reliable communication
- Support modes: Profile Position, Profile Velocity, Profile Torque, Cyclic Synchronous Position, Cyclic
Synchronous Velocity and Homing; as well as MOONS’ own Q mode - Dual port EtherCAT communication
- USB port for configuration
- Encoder resolution: 20000 counts/rev for AM17/23/24/34SS motor, 4096 counts/rev for AM11SS motor
- SS03-EC output current: continuous 3A, boost 4.5A
- SS05-EC output current: continuous 5A, boost 7.5A
- SS10-EC output current: continuous 10A, boost 15A
- 8 optically isolated digital inputs, 5-24VDC high level voltage
- 4 optically isolated digital outputs, max 30V/100mA sink or source current
- 2 analog inputs, can be configured to 0-5V, 0-10V, ±5V or ±10V signal ranges
- Differential encoder signal output (AOUT+/-, BOUT+/-, ZOUT+/-), 26C31 line driver, 20mA sink or source current
- Auxiliary power supply for keep alive operation
- Front panel with 4 keys and 5 digital LED display for setting parameters
- STO function (Safe Torque Off)
Manufactured by: MOONS’
Sold and Serviced by Motion Technologies Pty Limited