AML Ion Gauge and Controller
The AML AIG nude ionization gauge is a high-sensitivity UHV Bayard-Alpert gauge covering the vacuum range of 3×10-11 to 1×10-3 mbar and is intended for electron-bombardment degas. It has an NW35CF flange with individual glass compression seals, closed-end grid and a choice of filament materials.
- Wide measuring range 3×10-11 to 1×10-3 mbar
- Replaceable twin Tungsten, Thoria or Yttria-coated Iridium filaments
- Individual glass compression seal around each feedthrough pin are more economical and robust than ceramic, resulting in a less expensive and more rugged gaugehead, with the central collector pin inherently guarded against leakage currents by the grounded bulk of the flange
- The molybdenum grid has a closed-end, light, rigid structure, resulting in high sensitivity. The XRay induced electron desorption current at the collector is minimised by geometry and screening
- Connector pins are gold-plated, shrouded and polarized. Gold plating ensures that oxidation on the air-side cannot occur even after repeated bakeouts
- Maximum bakeout temperature 450 °C. Sensitivity 19 per mbar for nitrogen. X-Ray asymptote 3×10-11 mbar
- RoHS compliant
Manufactured by: AML Microelectronics
Sold and Serviced by Motion Technologies Pty Limited