AML PV3 Pirani Gaugeheads
AML PV3 Pirani gauges detect the cooling effect of residual gas molecules on a heated filament. The rate of heat transfer to the gas is related to pressure and causes a change in the electrical resistance of the filament or the amount of power required to maintain it at constant temperature. The filament is normally connected in a bridge circuit.
- Range: 200 mbar to 1 x 10-3 mbar
- Intended for use in constant-voltage bridge circuits, which reduces the filament temperature and the rate of filament corrosion or contamination at high pressures
- May be interchanged between any AML NGC / PGC series or equivalent controllers without recalibration
- Integral 3-metre lead and connector
- Extension cables do not affect the calibration
- Mounts in any orientation
- 200°C bakeable version available
- RoHS compliant
Manufactured by: AML Microelectronics
Sold and Serviced by Motion Technologies Pty Limited