Pfaff Screw Jacks
Pfaff Screw Jacks are Metric Jacks, 2.5 to 1000 kN, dia 14 to 220mm lift screw, strokes to 9m, ball and trapezoidal screws.
The below pdf file is for worm gear screw jacks only.
Motion Technologies are committed to providing the best jacking solutions and support. We stock a comprehensive range of cubic screw jacks and components in the range from 2.5kN to 50kN, choice of worm ratio, rotating or translating screw plus trapezoidal screw diameters from 14 to 80mm diameter.
For screw jack CAD files, click here to generate a CAD file in a choice of the many popular 2D and 2D formats available.
Manufactured by: Pfaff-silberblau
Sold and Serviced by Motion Technologies Pty Limited